I want to launch a warning using tkMessageBox in Python3. This warning is supposed to launch when a user doesn't select an element from a listbox. Unfortunately whenever I try to implement message box it does not launch like it is supposed to. I have code for a script called pietalkgui.py which contains the code where I want to implement the message box:
from tkinter import messagebox
# Gives warning if no user is selected for whisper
def whisperwarning(self):
# show warning to user
showwarning("Select User","Select a user to whisper to!")
# Handles whisper
def whispermessage(self):
# stores element selected in temp variable
temp = self.userslist.get(self.userslist.curselection())
# if no item is selected from userslist (listbox)
if temp == "":
# launch warning to user if no item is selected
# retrieves usernames from userslist
username = temp
# storing whisper
outwhisper = ' /w "' + username +'" ' + self.messagebox.get("0.0",END)
# handling whisper
# erase message in message box
Am I doing something wrong in the implementation of tkMessageBox? Or am I not properly checking if not item is selected from the listbox?
It appears that you are calling the method
, but haven't defined it or imported it. That is the name of a function themessagebox
module, so perhaps you need to change this:... to this:
Also, FWIW, this code is slightly incorrect:
-- text indices start at "1.0", not "0.0".