How to print output file size when use hive export data with command "insert overwrite directory"

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I am using beeline to export data to hdfs with command:

  ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe' 
   select * from xxx_table_name;

I want to set echo output file size such as 1024M.


There are 1 answers

leftjoin On

It can be many files if it runs on many mappers or reducers at the last vertex.

The easiest way is to execute in a shell

hadoop fs -ls <directory> 


hdfs dfs -ls <directory> 

You also can try to execute it inside beeline using !sh

!sh hdfs dfs -ls <directory> 

Also maybe counters printed at the end of the job can be used, like HDFS: Number of bytes written (not sure is this figure correct or not)