How to prevent ViewModel recreation while using Kodein DI?

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I tried to use Kodein DI library and used to to bind my Repo, NetworkService and viewModel like this

bind<MovieNetworkService>() with singleton {

bind<MovieRepo>() with provider {
bind<MovieViewModel>() with provider {
    MovieViewModel(instance() , instance<Application>())

Activity :

class MainActivity : BaseActivity(), KodeinAware {

override val kodein: Kodein by Kodein.lazy {

private val viewModel: MovieViewModel by kodein.instance()

I was able to use viewmodel and everything was working but I noticed that on device rotation my viewmodel state is not getting saved, or my Activity is creating a new ViewModel. I tried this with ViewModelProviders method and that worked but with Kodein DI my viewmodel is getting instantiated again on device rotation.

What am I doing wrong here?


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