How to prevent alert with incoming OneSignal notification?

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I use OneSignal push notifications. When android app is in foreground and receives a notification, it creates an alert box with the notification. How to prevent this from appearing when receiving notifications?


There are 6 answers

Nati Sholman Oskar On BEST ANSWER

From The SDK documentation - When you startInit OneSignal, make sure to call inFocusDisplaying with "None" to disable OneSignal's in app AlertBox.

also on NotificationReceivedHandler section -

Important behavior notes - If you will be displaying your own in app message when a notification is received make sure to call inFocusDisplaying with None to disable OneSignal's in app AlertBox.

Travis Howell On

Here is how to handle notifications while the app is in the foreground in the newest version 11, from :

let myLifecyleListener = function(event) {
  /// Display Notification, preventDefault to not display

  // Handle app in focus notifications here:
  console.log('foreground notification received:', event.notification)

  // Use notification.display() to display the notification after some async work
  // Uncomment this line if you would like the notification to be displayed
  // event.notification.display();

Then apply the handler: (This code applies to the Cordova version)

window.plugins.OneSignal.Notifications.addEventListener("foregroundWillDisplay", myLifecyleListener);
Muz On

It's changed in OneSignal 4.0.

For Kotlin:

OneSignal.setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler { notificationReceivedEvent ->

For Java:

OneSignal.setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler(new NotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler() {
  void notificationWillShowInForeground(OSNotificationReceivedEvent notificationReceivedEvent) {    
Rajwant Kaur Boughan On

I had similar issues and I resolved it by using inFocusDisplaying

here's how to use this in android.

    public class MyApplicationClass extends Application {

private static Context context;
PlayerIdsession session;

public static Context getContext() {
    return context;

public void onCreate() {
    context = getApplicationContext();
    //MyNotificationOpenedHandler : This will be called when a notification is tapped on.
    //MyNotificationReceivedHandler : This will be called when a notification is received while your app is running.
            .setNotificationOpenedHandler(new MyNotiOpenedHandler())
            .setNotificationReceivedHandler( new MyNotiReceivedHandler() )

    OneSignal.idsAvailable(new OneSignal.IdsAvailableHandler() {
        public void idsAvailable(String userId, String registrationId) {

            if (userId != null){
                session=new PlayerIdsession(context);
                Log.d("debug", "PlayerId:" + userId);

           /* if (registrationId != null){
                Log.d("debug", "registrationId:" + registrationId);

Janaka Pushpakumara On

Using this code line, I resolved my issue.

mayur sawant On

Just add this line in your windows.plugin.signal


for example :-
