We are working on an IBM WebSphere MQ application, and we use JMS API to operate the message. But we have a problem that the connection takes too much time, and we want to pool the JMS connection, for it's a standalone application, we have no application container to provide JNDI or pooling service. So is there a solution to resolve this? For JDBC we can use DBCP or c3p0 to archive pooling datasource, in JMS, is there any similar project that can pool JMS connections?
How to pool the JMS connection in a standalone Java application?
8.6k views Asked by phyerbarte At
There are 2 answers

Spring's CachingConnectionFactory works well for this use case. This answer in https://stackoverflow.com/a/31119435/1765341 explains how to do this in Tomcat, but the code there can easily be adapted for Java standalone applications. This should be much easier (and less error prone) than writing an Apache Commons Pool implementation.
It used to be that the JMS MQConnectionFactory had pooling built in, but it seems that in version 7, it has been removed.
In the absence of anything else, you can use Apache Commons Pool. Same idea as DBCP (which uses Pool) but for non JDBC objects.