How to Plot ZipCodes onto a Map of USA using Counts in R

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I am attempting to create a map of the US showing the following zipcodes and to color it based on count. I have tried ggmaps and chloroplethr but keep getting errors. I think I need to link the zipcodes to geocodes but have not been able to do so. If anyone has any insights, much appreciated.

Zip Codes and Counts


There are 1 answers

defuneste On

You should try to provide more reproducible code.


df_count <- data.frame(zip = as.character(c(94025, 98550, 94303, 94306,
                               94062, 94305, 94301, 94061, 943125)),
                       Count = c(1465, 915, 810, 768, 715, 
                                 711, 678, 630, 584))

Then I googled for this

# Loading packages

# loading shapefile with zip codes
zip_codes <- sf::st_read("tl_2019_us_zcta510/tl_2019_us_zcta510.shp")

# join that only keep data in df_count
zip_with_count <- zip_codes %>%
                        dplyr::right_join(df_count, by = c("ZCTA5CE10" = "zip"))

# quick and dirty plot

I will recommand that your read:

If you want to do better mapping check either the tmap or the cartography packages