I am using this link to solve my doubts:
How to plot multiple lines on the same y-axis using Plotly Express in Python
I am trying to plot multiple lines in same plot. Also, I want to add data-labels ( Y-values)
on every line that I plot.
Here is the code that I am using:
def plot_func(data):
fig = px.line(data, x="yyyymm", y="sells", color='model')
The resultant plot is:
I want to add y-values
on every line. Also, if you notice my x axis
is in format yyyymm
which I have converted to string by appending _
at end otherwise plotly converts it to number. Is there a better approach to convert it to dates?
How can I add a vertical dash line
where x=201912_
and put title
to my plots?