I want to create Android App with a still image map, [ custom map ]
in it.
1) current location google map image (screen short). [ it may be our won drawing..] as shown below.
9.94015,76.273953 is the location of the image.
In this image the blue plot indicates the current location.
How to do this?
Mercator can do this very easily, but I am very new in programming...
I can't do it.
If any body help me with a sample project I will appreciate it.
R u trying to do something like google map marker? If so then u need to use ItemizedOverlay. u will find examples on ItemizedOverlay on net. Just google it for "Examples on ItemizedOverlay".
Do u want to just draw a circle kind of shape on mapView?? If so then this is what u have to do.. Write a class that extends ItemizedOverlay...... In the onDraw method use this code