My site uses video.js with the videojs-ima plugin, but it didn't work with hls inside VAST.
I tested the xml using the Google service and I see the error Ad error: AdError 400: There was an error playing the video ad. Caused by: Error: Error: There was an error playing the video ad.
I tried the videojs-vast-vpaid plugin, but it throws an error about the inability to work with VAST 4.2.
I tried other free players - plur, openplayerjs, fluid player-but none of them worked with my xml.
my VAST 4.2 sample xml looking like that (Warning! NSFW content inside):
<VAST xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" version="4.2">
<Ad id="1" adType="video">
<AdSystem version="1"></AdSystem>
<AdTitle>Naked girl get cum on face</AdTitle>
<Creative sequence="1" id="1">
<Linear skipoffset="00:00:05">
<MediaFile id="1" delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" width="480" height="640">
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<ClickThrough id="1">
<UniversalAdId idRegistry="unknown">unknown</UniversalAdId>
<Impression id="">
<![CDATA[ ]]>
The IMA SDK creates it's own video element to play the creative. That will only be able to formats the browser can natively support. HLS would work on Safari.