How to play hls inside VAST 4.2 using open-source players?

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My site uses video.js with the videojs-ima plugin, but it didn't work with hls inside VAST.

I tested the xml using the Google service and I see the error Ad error: AdError 400: There was an error playing the video ad. Caused by: Error: Error: There was an error playing the video ad.

I tried the videojs-vast-vpaid plugin, but it throws an error about the inability to work with VAST 4.2.

I tried other free players - plur, openplayerjs, fluid player-but none of them worked with my xml.

my VAST 4.2 sample xml looking like that (Warning! NSFW content inside):

<VAST xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" version="4.2">
<Ad id="1" adType="video">
<AdSystem version="1"></AdSystem>
<AdTitle>Naked girl get cum on face</AdTitle>
<Creative sequence="1" id="1">
<Linear skipoffset="00:00:05">
<MediaFile id="1" delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" width="480" height="640">
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<ClickThrough id="1">
<UniversalAdId idRegistry="unknown">unknown</UniversalAdId>
<Impression id="">
<![CDATA[ ]]>

There are 1 answers

misterben On

The IMA SDK creates it's own video element to play the creative. That will only be able to formats the browser can natively support. HLS would work on Safari.