How to work with CheckEdit in RibbonControl ? I drag a CheckEdit and place it in the RibbonPage. But Is show like Button how to change it to normal "CheckBox" ??
I used RadioGroup and perform through SelectedIndexChanged, I hide caption now it shows only RadioButtons only. But I need Caption to particular RadioButton not common to RadioGroup. I add 3 RadioButtons so I need to show 3 caption near/ under to particular RadioButton.
How to complete my task ? Help me. Thanks in Advance.
You can use the Ribbon Designer to assign a CheckEdit to your RibbonPage.
This will shown as a normal CheckEdit. To Add a description to your RadioGroup you have to Add RadioGroupItems via
Property. Each item can hold a description and a value. The description will be displayed in Ribbon if the RibbonPage is big enough to show the descriptions! Further information here: