How to perform time series analysis on cpu utilization data using python

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I am new to time series analysis. I have the following dummy data:

Timestamp Cpu_utilization_Percentage Server_name
2022-01-11 00:05:00 80 abc
2022-01-11 00:10:00 30 xyz
2022-01-11 00:15:00 5 def
2022-01-11 00:20:00 3 yue

The dataset is about cpu utilization percentage at each time interval of the day for a given server name.

Table column details:

Timestamp: date with time

Cpu-utilization: values in percentage

Server_name: name of the server

I am able to predict the cpu utilization for given time but how do I predict the time interval for cpu utilization.

Objective is:

How to predict time interval with server name for given cpu uitilization so that i can know at what time interval cpu utilization value is less means its in ideal state.

For example: I want to know what is the time interval where my cpu utilization is less than 5 percent


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