How to perform a forward reference in MASM assembly Language?

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ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,dwExitCode:DWORD
Include io.h
cr equ 0DH
Lf equ 0AH

.STACK 4096

number dword ?

string byte 40 dup(?)
rejected byte ", Rejected",cr,0
positiveNumber byte ", Positive",cr,0
negativeNumber byte ", Negative",cr,0
numberOfPos byte "Positive Numbers: ",0
numberOfNeg byte "Negative Numbers: ",0
runningSum byte "Running Sum of Positive numbers: ",0

newline byte cr,Lf,0

numaschar byte 11 dup(?),0
numPosaschar byte 11 dup(?),0
numNegaschar byte 11 dup(?),0
sumasChar byte 11 dup(?),0


    sub ebx,ebx ; numberOfPos = 0
    sub ecx,ecx ; numberOfNeg = 0
    sub edx,edx ; runningSum = 0

    input string, 40
    atod string
    cmp eax,0
    je finish

    cmp eax,10
    jg invalid

    cmp eax,-10
    jl invalid

    cmp eax,0
    jg positive
    jl negative

    jmp jumpToMainLoop

    inc ebx
    add edx,eax
    dtoa numaschar,eax
    output numaschar
    output positiveNumber
    output newline

    add ecx,1
    dtoa numaschar,eax
    output numaschar
    output negativeNumber
    output newline

    dtoa numaschar,eax
    output numaschar
    output rejected
    output newline

    dtoa numPosaschar, ebx
    dtoa numNegaschar, ecx
    dtoa sumasChar, edx

    output numberOfPos
    output numPosaschar
    output newline
    output numberOfNeg
    output numNegaschar
    output newline
    output runningSum
    output sumasChar
    output newline

    INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
    PUBLIC _start

    jmp forever

What I'm trying to do is create a forward reference in which I only jump back to the main loop(forever) at the end of the loop. Right now, I only know how to jump back to the main loop if I write `jmp jumpToMainLoop' at the end of each label invalid, positive, negative. how do I adjust the program so that it only jumps to forever at the end of the loop?


There are 1 answers

Sep Roland On
jmp jumpToMainLoop

This is equivalent jmp forever.

Right now, I only know how to jump back to the main loop if i write `jmp jumpToMainLoop' at the end of each label invalid, positive, negative.

Why don't you just write jmp forever at those 3 places (right after output newline!