How to pass shell environment variable to Supervisor program?

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I have a Django app which runs on Gunicorn, and is managed by SupervisorD which is managed by Ansible.

I want Django to read the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY variable from the environment, since I don't want to store my secret key in a config file or VCS. For that I read the key from the environment in my


Looking at Supervisor docs it says:

Note that the subprocess will inherit the environment variables of the shell used to start “supervisord” except for the ones overridden here. See Subprocess Environment.

Here's my supervisor.conf:

command=/.../.virtualenvs/homepage/bin/gunicorn homepage.wsgi -w 1 --bind localhost:8001 --pid /tmp/

When I set the variable and run Gunicorn command from the shell, it starts up just fine:

$ DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=XXX /.../.virtualenvs/homepage/bin/gunicorn homepage.wsgi -w 1 --bind localhost:8001 --pid /tmp/

However when I set the variable in the shell and restart the Supervisor service my app fails to start with error about not found variable:

$ DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=XXX supervisorctl restart gunicorn
gunicorn: ERROR (not running)
gunicorn: ERROR (spawn error)

Looking at Supervisor error log:

  File "/.../http/homepage/homepage/", line 21, in <module>
    SECRET_KEY = os.environ['DJANGO_SECRET_KEY']
  File "/.../.virtualenvs/homepage/lib/python2.7/", line 40, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key)
[2017-08-27 08:22:09 +0000] [19353] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 19353)
[2017-08-27 08:22:09 +0000] [19349] [INFO] Shutting down: Master
[2017-08-27 08:22:09 +0000] [19349] [INFO] Reason: Worker failed to boot.

I have also tried restarting the supervisor service, but same error occurs:

$ DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=XXX systemctl restart supervisor
INFO exited: gunicorn (exit status 3; not expected)

My question is how do I make Supervisor to "pass" environment variables to it's child processes?


There are 2 answers

demonno On

Create executable file similar to this and try to start it manually. i.e create file and copy script below /home/user/

You need to fill in DJANGODIR and make other adjustments according to your case. also, you may need to adjust permissions accordingly.



# Activate the virtual environment
source $ENVBIN/activate

#define other env variables if you need

# Start your Django
exec gunicorn homepage.wsgi -w 1 --bind localhost:8001 --pid /tmp/

If it starts manually then just use this file in your conf.

command = /home/user/
user = {your user}
stdout_logfile = /var/log/django.log
redirect_stderr = true
# you can also try to define enviroment variables in this conf

references that might be helpful,

Babken Vardanyan On

OK figured it out myself. Turns out ansible has feature called Vault, which is used for exactly this kind of jobs - encrypting keys.

Now I added the vaulted secret key to ansible's host_vars, see: Vault: single encrypted variable and Inventory: Splitting out host and group specific data.

I added a task to my ansible playbook to copy the key file from ansible vault to the server:

- name: copy django secret key to server
  copy: content="{{ django_secret_key }}" dest=/.../http/homepage/deploy/django_secret_key.txt mode=0600

And made Django read the secret from that file:

with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'deploy', 'django_secret_key.txt')) as secret_key_file:

If anyone has a simpler/better solution, please post it and I will accept it as the answer.