How to pass java primitive arrays to a C dll using JNA?

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When mapping java code to a DLL using JNA, how should one pass/use a java array (int[], double[]) in a C call when the C's function argument is a pointer? I am facing a bug, and I think it is somewhere in my mapping of arrays to C.

What I tried: and the bug that I am trying to fix

For my project I need to restructure the codebase behind clp-java. In doing so, I have a C header file with the following function which add constraints for a LP problem ( for example: 2.25*x1 - 3.3*x2 =4).

CLPLIB_EXPORT void CLP_LINKAGE Clp_addRows(Clp_Simplex *model, int number,
const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper,
const CoinBigIndex *rowStarts, const int *columns,
const double *elements);

In java I have rowLower, rowUpper, rowStarts, columnscolumns and elements as java arrays (either int[] of double[]). clp-java uses BridJ, where the function above is called via

CLPNative.clpAddRows(pointerToModel, number, 

Using plain JNA, the JNA documentation states that arrays map to pointers, such that a call to the C function would be:

CLPNative.clpAddRows(pointerToModel, number, 
        rowLower, rowUpper, rowStarts, columnscolumns, elements);

Unfortunately, when I pass the same arrays to both methods and retrieve the data in memory, I get different answers for the second variable in the constraint (first one is ok): BridJ yields -3.3, my JNA method outputs 1.777E-307. Same DLL, same machine (Java 11).

On the internet I found this example, which maps an array in Java to a JNA pointer and passes this pointer to the C function. This I tried using:

private Pointer intArrayToPointer(int[] pArray) {
    Pointer pointerToArray = new Memory(pArray.length*Native.getNativeSize(Integer.TYPE));
    for (int i=0; i< pArray.length; i++) {
      pointerToArray.setInt(i, pArray[i]);
    return pointerToArray;

Though if I use this in my JNA function call (and change the JNA interface accordingly), I get a Java error "invalid memory access". Fixing this based on this StackOverflow Q/A (the offset in setInt() needs to be shifted by Native.getNativeSize(Integer.TYPE), reveals the same erroneous output (coefficient for x2 is 1.777E-307 instead of -3.3)

CLPNative.clpAddRows(pointerToModel, number, 

Extra info: I check the coefficients with the following function/method:

  public double getNativeConstraintCoefficient(CLPConstraint pConstraint, CLPVariable pVariable) {
    <... some magic to compute the position...>
     Pounter<Double> elements = CLPNative.Clp_GetElements(pointerToModel);
     return elements.getDoubleAtIndex(pos-1); // using BridJ
     return elements.getDouble(pos - 1)  // using JNA

There are 2 answers


Found it, it is the way I read the data, not the way I write it.

BridJ is a fancy wrapper, which makes sure you read a pointer at indices that correspond to doubles (on my machine that is 8 bits). In other words: index=0 reads bits 1-8 bits, index=2 reads bits 9-16.

JNA is not 'so fancy'. Pointer.getDouble(offset) reads a double (8-bit value) starting from the address it points to. offset=0 reads bits 1-8, and offset=1 reads 2-9. To prevent this, one needs to multiply the offset by the datatype you are looking for

Daniel Widdis On

In your answer you note that the BridJ indices correspond to the array, such that each index is a new double, and correctly note that if you're only fetching a single double from a JNA pointer, you need to use a byte offset, indicating that's "not as fancy".

However, JNA can be just "fancy" if you want it to be. Simply use this:

Pointer.getDoubleArray(offset, arraySize);

For example:

int arraySize = pArray.length; // I think, based on your code
double[] foo = elements.getDoubleArray(0, arraySize);
return foo[pos - 1];