I am running the below xqy code using a schedule task and in this xqy code, I am passing manually the value of authentication node with method="digest" username = admin password = admin in the put call,
Is there any way so that I can pass it at runtime using
1. Encrpyted token for username and password
2. getting the value username and password of the server at runtime , and passing it to the http-put function to access the rest service extension (/v1/resources/example) at 8000 port.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace hst = 'http://marklogic.com/xdmp/status/host';
declare namespace c = 'http://example.com/abc';
declare variable $Collection := 'collection';
let $query :=
cts:element-range-query(xs:QName('c:element'), '<=', fn:current-dateTime())
let $uris := cts:uris('',(), $query)
let $total-uri := count($uris)
if ($total-uri) then
let $PORT := '8000'
let $database := xdmp:database()
let $host-list := xdmp:hosts()
let $hosts :=
for $hosts-online in $host-list
where xdmp:host-status($hosts-online)/hst:hosts/hst:host[.//hst:online/fn:string() = 'true']
return $hosts-online
let $cluster-size := fn:count($hosts)
for $host at $index in $hosts
let $page-size := fn:ceiling($total-uri div $cluster-size)
let $start-index := ($index - 1) * $page-size + 1
let $end-index :=
if ($cluster-size eq $index) then
($index - 1) * $page-size +$page-size
let $urisforHost := string-join($uris[$start-index to $end-index],',')
let $url := fn:concat('http://',xdmp:host-name($host),':',$PORT,'/v1/resources/example?rs:uris=',$urisforHost,'&rs:db=',$database)
<options xmlns="xdmp:http">
<authentication method="digest">
This can be achieved using Secure Credentials by creating a credential
You then reference the credential id in your HTTP request, for example