How to pass a filename as a string to awk to parse for destination

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I am trying to pass a pathname/filename to awk in order to take advantage of its field seperator functionality. I want to parse a pathname/filename to see if it is within a user directory in a system. Example paths:

Absolute Paths:

/home/students/username               # VALID
/home/staff/username                  # VALID
/home/students/username/anythingElse  # VALID
/home/staff/username/anythingElse     # VALID
/home/notAccountStorage/anythingElse  # INVALID

Relative Paths (For Exmaple, where the pwd/current is /home/student/user/courseFiles):

../                                       # VALID /home/student/user
../otherDir                               # VALID /home/student/user/other
../.                                      # VALID /home/student/user
../..                                     # INVALID /home/student
../../otherDir                            # INVALID /home/student/otherDir


My thoughts were to check if the string begins with a '/' then process for absolute path, else process for relative path.

AWK code along the lines of:

awk -F="/" '    BEGIN { directoryAccentCount=0                                                                  \
                        isValid=$FALSE;                                                                         \
                }                                                                                               \
                {                                                                                               \
                        # If the string starts with a "/", path is absolute                                     \
                        if ( $0 ~ /^\// ) {                                                                     \
                                # If either Student/Staff && Number of Fields must be great than 2              \
                                if ( ($2 == "student" || $2 == "staff") && NF > 2 ) isValid=$TRUE               \
                        } else {                                                                                \
                        # Path is relative                                                                      \
                                for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {                                                     \
                                        # Count how many directories the User wants to ASCEND towards ROOT      \
                                        if ( $i ~ /\.\./ ) { directoryAccentCount++ }                           \
                                        # If the difference between the Number of Fields and                    \
                                        # the Accent Count is greater than 2, isValid=$TRUE                     \
                                        difference=(NF - $directoryAccentCount)                                 \
                                        if ( $difference > 2 ) isValid=$TRUE                                    \
                        }                                                                                       \
                }                                                                                               \
                END { print $0 ":" $isValid }' << HERE $providedPath


I have tried variations of the above code, but awk keeps attempting to follow the file path, open the file, and process the file's text. I want to process the path itself.

awk: fatal: file `noCopyDir1' is a directory


There are 4 answers

Matt On

Simplified logic to determine directory ascent/decent only in the case of relative paths. The awk script takes advantage of looping through the fields one by one and returns a negative value when moving towards the root and a positive value when moving away from root.

 # Check that the distance from a User Directory
                set movingDistance = `echo $argPath | awk -F'/' 'BEGIN{                                 \
                        distanceMoved=0                                                                 \
                }                                                                                       \
                {                                                                                       \
                        for ( i=1; i<NF; i++ ) {                                                        \
                                if ( $i ~ /\.\./ ) {                                                    \
                                        distanceMoved--                                                 \
                                } else {                                                                \
                                        distanceMoved++                                                 \
                                }                                                                       \
                        }                                                                               \
                }                                                                                       \
                END {                                                                                   \
                        print distanceMoved                                                             \

This is an essential step in determining whether a file path advances outside of user accounts in a system or remains within a user directory, which is how I am applying the script, however, it can be used in many other cases.

Ed Morton On

IMHO it's not clear from your question but it sounds like you just want to check if a path given in a file exists or not. That would be:

while IFS= read -r path
    [[ -e "$path" ]] && echo "valid" || echo "invalid"
done < file
Birei On

You could try with instead of . It can handle paths easily with Cwd and File::stat modules, like:

perl -mCwd=realpath -MFile::stat -E '
    $p = realpath($ARGV[0]); 
    say $p =~ m{\A/home/} && stat($p) ? q|VALID| : q|INVALID|' 

It gets absolute path, checks that it is a home directory and it exists.

Jason Hu On

your solution is too complicated. you can do it within one line in bash. there could be solution shorter than mine:

[ -d "$(readlink -f $YOUR_PATH | awk -F/ '$2 == "home" && $3 != "" {print "/"$2"/"$3}')" ]


readlink -f $YOUR_PATH

this converts whatever path to a absolute one.

awk -F/ '$2 == "home" && $3 != "" {print "/"$2"/"$3}'

since the path is absolute already, so i can directly extract the first two path out, but restrict it's under home folder and it's under some subfolder too.

then just check to see if it's a folder.