How to parse xml correctly

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I want to create structs = each type of command.

Commands have common part of xml - CommandResult. I created interface Command. I need to SomeCommand implements Command and can to be parsed as xml, also IsError must be realized in CommandResult, other functions must be realized by SomeCommand.


type Command interface {
    IsError() bool

    Request(buf *bufio.Writer, params interface{}) error

// Result of request
type CommandResult struct {
    Code    int    `xml:"code,attr" json:"code"`
    Message string `xml:"msg" json:"msg"`

// this Command's func is realized by CommandResult 
func (self CommandResult) IsError() bool {
    return true

// some command
type SomeCommand struct {
    CommandResult // CommandResult `xml:"response>result" json:"result"`

// this Command's func is realized by SomeCommand 
func (self SomeCommand) Request(buf *bufio.Writer, params interface{}) error {
    return nil

// other Command's functions are realized by CommandResult too


    <result code="1000">
      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>

Expected result:

a := SomeCommand
// a.CommandResult.Code = 1000
// a.CommandResult.Message = 'Command completed successfully'

// a implements Command

There are 1 answers

  1. I think paths in embedded structure should be absolute as all "parent's" structures are part of the "child". So your

     type CommandResult struct {
         Code    int    `xml:"code,attr" json:"code"`
         Message string `xml:"msg" json:"msg"`

    Should be more like

     type CommandResult struct {
         Code    int    `xml:"response>result>code,attr" json:"code"`
         Message string `xml:"response>result>msg" json:"msg"`

    BUT! There we are facing Go's limitation.

  2. You can't use attr with chaining. There is issue on Github but looks like it is not in priority list. So if I right understand shortest version of your CommandResult declaration would be:

    type CommandResult struct {
        Result struct {
            Code    int    `xml:"code,attr" json:"code"`
            Message string `xml:"msg" json:"msg"`
        } `xml:"response>result" json:"response"`
  3. Not a real problem but in case if you will decide to convert Command back to XML would be nice to declare its XMLName. Something like

    type CommandResult struct {
        XMLName xml.Name `xml:"epp"`
        Result  struct {
            Code    int    `xml:"code,attr" json:"code"`
            Message string `xml:"msg" json:"msg"`
        } `xml:"response>result" json:"response"`

    Because without it XML encoder will produce something like <SomeCommand><response>...</response></SomeCommand>

Update with full example

package main

import (

type Command interface {
    IsError() bool

    Request(buf *bufio.Writer, params interface{}) error

// Result of request
type CommandResult struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"epp"`
    Result  struct {
        Code    int    `xml:"code,attr" json:"code"`
        Message string `xml:"msg" json:"msg"`
    } `xml:"response>result" json:"response"`

// this Command's func is realized by CommandResult
func (self CommandResult) IsError() bool {
    return true

// some command
type SomeCommand struct {

// this Command's func is realized by SomeCommand
func (self SomeCommand) Request(buf *bufio.Writer, params interface{}) error {
    return nil

type AnotherCommand struct {

func (self AnotherCommand) Request(buf *bufio.Writer, params interface{}) error {
    return nil

func main() {
    var c Command

    c = SomeCommand{}

    c = AnotherCommand{}