How to parse a xml-file with logstash filters

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I'm trying to index some simple XML-files with elasticsearch and logstash. So far I have the ELK-stack set up, and logstash-forwarder. I am trying to use the documentation to set up a xml filter, but I just cant seem to get it right.

My XML format is pretty straigth forward;


  <DataFile description="desc" fileName="test.wav" Source="mic" startTime="2014-12-12_121212" stopTime="2014-12-12_131313"/>


I just want each file to be an entry in elasticsearch, and every parameter in the DataFile-tag to be a key-value that I can search. Since the documentation is getting me nowhere, how would such a filter look? I have also tried to use the answers in this and this without any luck.


There are 1 answers


Add the below in your logstash-forwarder configuration and change the logstash server IP, Certificate path and the log path accordingly.

"network": {
"servers": [ "x.x.x.x:5043" ],
"ssl ca": " / cert/server.crt",
"timeout": 15
"files": [
"paths": [
"fields": { "type": "log" }

Add the below input plugin in your logstash server configuration. Change the certificate ,key path and name accordingly.

lumberjack {
  port => 5043
  type => "lumberjack"
  ssl_certificate => " /cert/server.crt"
  ssl_key => "D:/ELK/logstash/cert/server.key"
  codec => multiline {
             pattern => "(\/Recording>)"
             what => "previous"
            negate => true

Now add the below grok filter under your logstash filter section

grok {
        match   =>  ["message", "(?<content>(< Recording(.)*?</Recording>))"]
        tag_on_failure => [ ]


Finally in the logstash output session add

elasticsearch {
                    host => ""
                    port => "9200"
                    protocol => "http"
                    index => "Recording-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
                    index_type => "log"

Now when you add your xml messages into your log file. Each entry will be processed and stored in your elastic search server.
