How to parse a JSON having no quotes with its KEY string?

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I want to parse the json output resulting from the following url in SBJSON framework for iOS,80.2575&output=json

while(1);{title:"school - Google Maps",url:"/maps?q=school\x26mrt=yp\x26sll=13.006389,80.2575\x26ie=UTF8\x26hq=school\x26hnear=",urlViewport:false,ei:"RCu3T4eeMqSiiAe7k-yZDQ",form:{selected:"q",q:{q:"school",mrt:"yp",what:"school",near:""},d:{saddr:"",daddr:"",dfaddr:""},geocode:""},

I am using to read it online.

In ASIHttpRequest response method I removed while(1); from the response

NSString *responseString = [[request resonseString]substringFromIndex:9]; //to remove while(1)
SBJSONParser * parser = [[SBJSONParser alloc]init];
NSDictionary *jsonDict = (NSDictionary*)[parser objectFromString:responseString];
NSLog(@"%@",jsonDict) // prints null
// [responseString JSONValue] also reports error

I guess JSON key without double quotes is causing problem.

Instead of { "title": "hospital - Google Maps", "urlViewport": false, }, we get { title: "hospital - Google Maps", "urlViewport": false }

Please help me to parse this complex JSON structure returned from Google.


There are 2 answers

Hejazi On

You need to add the missing quotes to the keys, so try this:

responseString = [responseString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"(\\w+)\\s*:" 
                                 range:NSMakeRange(0, [responseString length])];

This should work well with the given JSON string.

greg On

This worked better for my case because my values contained times which caused the regular expression in the above answer to match incorrectly.

json = [json stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"(\\w*[A-Za-z]\\w*)\\s*:"
                                       withString: @"\"$1\":"
                                          options: NSRegularExpressionSearch
                                            range: NSMakeRange(0, json.length)];