am Traying to find the distance matrix between image blocks each item of a matrix represent the distance between image block and other blocks my code is doing ok but it consumes a lot of time I need to parallelize the loops
def calchellinger(glcm):
tmp = np.zeros((glcm.shape[0],glcm.shape[1]))
for i in range(glcm.shape[0]):
for j in range(glcm.shape[1]):
sum = 0
for x in range(glcm.shape[0]):
for y in range(glcm.shape[1]):
sum = sum + hellinger(np.array(glcm[i,j]).flatten(), np.array(glcm[x,y]).flatten())
tmp[i,j] = sum
return tmp
def hellinger(p,q):
return sum([(np.sqrt(t[0])-np.sqrt(t[1]))*(np.sqrt(t[0])-np.sqrt(t[1]))\
for t in zip(p,q)])/np.sqrt(2.)
You can try Embarrassingly parallel for loops in joblib ( It is a easy way to brakes loops and run in parallel