How to "package" some modules to jars and others to wars in multi-module build with single task?

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I use package task (from xsbt-web-plugin) to package a project to a war, and assembly task (from sbt-assembly) to package the project to a jar.

I have a multi-module build and some modules are packaged into wars and some into jars.

I'd like to set up the build to execute assembly task and:

  • Jar modules are packaged into jar files
  • War modules are packaged into war files

How to execute package task for the war projects while executing assembly task?


There are 1 answers

Eugene Yokota On

Both package task and assembly task evaluate to File type, so as @James commented you should be able to rewire assembly task in webapp project to run package instead.

lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
  scalaVersion := "2.11.4"
lazy val webappAssembly = Seq(
  assembly := packageWar.value

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
  aggregate(app, webapp).
  settings(commonSettings: _*)

lazy val app = (project in file("app")).
  settings(commonSettings: _*)

lazy val webapp = (project in file("webapp")).
  settings(commonSettings ++ jetty() ++ webappAssembly: _*).
    libraryDependencies += "javax.servlet" % "javax.servlet-api" % "3.0.1" % "provided"