How to overcome BeanLocator is null error in Liferay while running a Scheduler?

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I am developing a Liferay portlet using Eclipse IDE. I just created an entity called "USerDetails" in service.xml. Table "USerDetails" is created in the DB and I could save UserDetails entity to the DB.

Now, what I want is, I want to run a Scheduler to update the DB, I am using Quartz scheduler for that. Consider that, I need to update the "Age" column of UserDetails using Quartz scheduler.

My scheduler is running properly, but, table updation is not happening; its throwing

Sep 06, 2013 5:35:17 PM com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Jdk14LogImpl error
SEVERE: BeanLocator is null for servlet context User-Details-portlet

How can I solve this issue?


There are 1 answers

Catalin Parcioaga On

I solved the Bean Locator null, not set problem by running my IDE(Eclipse Luna) as Administrator, and it worked.Hope it is useful for you too, good luck!