Using this code, the system takes a long time to boot. With three types, the processing was 23 minutes. How to simplify it? So that the system can process the request faster.
PREFIX cim: <>
SELECT ?type (COUNT(?type) AS ?num)
?terminal_2 rdf:type cim:Terminal.
?terminal_2 cim:Terminal.ConductingEquipment ?conducting_equipment_2.
?conducting_equipment_2 rdf:type ?type.
FILTER (?conducting_equipment_1 = ?conducting_equipment_2).
MINUS {?terminal_2 cim:Terminal.ConnectivityNode ?not_connectivityNode_2}.
VALUES ?type {cim:ACLineSegment cim:Breaker cim:Disconnector cim:Fuse cim:Jumper cim:LoadBreakSwitch cim:Recloser}.
SELECT ?conducting_equipment_1
?terminal_1 rdf:type cim:Terminal.
?terminal_1 cim:Terminal.ConductingEquipment ?conducting_equipment_1.
MINUS {?terminal_1 cim:Terminal.ConnectivityNode ?not_connectivityNode_1}.
GROUP BY ?type
This is the table I want to end up with. Only with more types.