I've downloaded a copy of iOS source code and there is a .mom file in the bundle. I just know it is a "product" of NSManagedObjectModel. I wonder is there any way that I can explore the entities in the file, or is there any code snippet to parse its structure. Thank you!
How to open an existing .mom file, or is there any way to see the structure of an existing .mom file
8.6k views Asked by Harvey At
There are 4 answers

As mentioned by @max in this answer it is a binary plist file. So I tried to convert it to a XML file using this command :
plutil -convert xml1 myfile.mom -o myfile.xml
then you can simply open the file by a text editor.
Use the managed object model decompiler [full disclosure: I wrote it] to convert the .mom back into a .xcdatamodel. Then open the result in Xcode.