how to navigate in self loop tables?

209 views Asked by At

Consider the following table

create table EMPLOYEE
  empno    NUMBER not null,
  ename    VARCHAR2(100),
  salary   NUMBER,
  hiredate DATE,
  manager  NUMBER

alter table EMPLOYEE add constraint PK_EMP primary key (EMPNO);

alter table EMPLOYEE 
   add constraint FK_MGR foreign key (MANAGER)
      references EMPLOYEE (EMPNO);

which is a self looped table i.e. every employee has a manager, except for the root.

I want to run the following query on this table:

find all the employees having more salary than their managers?


There is only one root in the structure

consider the following query

SELECT LPAD(emp.ename, (LEVEL-1)*5 + LENGTH(emp.ename), ' ') AS "Hierarchy"
    FROM employee emp
    START WITH emp.manager IS NULL
    CONNECT BY manager = PRIOR empno;

the result would be something like this:


I made the following query

SELECT LPAD(emp.ename, (LEVEL-1)*5 + LENGTH(emp.ename), ' ') AS "Hierarchy"
  FROM employee emp
    START WITH empno IN (SELECT empno FROM employee)
    CONNECT BY PRIOR manager = empno; 

which makes a subtree for every employee in the employee table from bottom to top, but I don't know how to navigate through to get to the desired result!


There are 2 answers

potatopeelings On BEST ANSWER

Here is one way to do it

with fullemployee (empno, ename, salary, key)
  select A.empno, A.ename, A.salary, A.empno || '.' from 
      employee A
  where A.manager is null
  union all
  select C.empno, C.ename, C.salary, D.key || '.' || C.empno from 
      employee C
      inner join fullemployee D on C.manager = D.empno
select E.ename, F.ename as manager from fullemployee E
inner join fullemployee F on E.key like F.key || '%' and E.key <> F.key
where E.salary > F.salary

or equivalently

with fullemployee (empno, ename, salary, key)
   SELECT empno, ename, salary, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(empno, '.') || '.'
   FROM employee
   START WITH manager is null
   CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = manager
select E.ename, F.ename as manager from fullemployee E
inner join fullemployee F on E.key like F.key || '%' and E.key <> F.key
where E.salary > F.salary

SQL Fiddle -!4/37f4ae/35

Martin On

This should do the work. Remove that or condition if you don't want the 'root' in your list.

select e.empno, e.ename, e.salary from employee e
    inner join employee mgr on mgr.empno = e.manager
where e.salary > mgr.salary
or (e.manager = mgr.empno)