I have a web worker running in a while(true)
loop, the code is too deep to change it at this point in time. The worker can access a Shared Array Buffer, I have a means to signal that there is data present in it (right now it is just being used with strings and ints and stuff). I want to pass a local File object through the shared array buffer. How can I serialize the File Object and deserialize it on the other end (it is even ok with me to reconstruct a new file object on the other side if I have to)?
This is my rough structure, but add a couple thousand lines and you are there :)
<script type='text/javascript'>
var s_curFile;
var s_curFile2;
var sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(65563); //I will probably make this bigger...
function JSprocessFilePicker( input )
let url = input.value;
let ext = url.substring( url.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ).toLowerCase();
if ( input.files && input.files[0] && ( ext == "txt" ) )
s_curFile = input.files[0];
//I know I can create another file object like this, can i pass just this info in the shared array buffer, so I can create a new file in the worker.
//s_curFile2 = new File([s_curFile],s_curFile.name,{type:s_curFile.type});
//how to serialize s_curFile or needed info here!
var input = document.createElement( "input" );
input.setAttribute( "id", "file_picker" );
input.setAttribute( "type", "file" );
input.setAttribute( "accept", ".txt" );
input.setAttribute( "onchange", "JSprocessFilePicker(this)" );
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
//I can't do another post message because worker enters a while(true loop) after getting the shared array buffer during startup. And i have to wait for the user to open the file to pass it to the worker
try {
'cmd' : 'data',
'sb' : sab
} catch(e) {
alert('Can\'t spawn files to worker - '+e)
<button onclick="input.click();">Open</button>
Or if there is some other way that doesn't involve a callback being processed (unless there is a way to manually process onmessage callbacks) where I can pass the file to the worker without postMessage, that would also be acceptable to me?