How to modify a page in plop and hbs
I have a plop file, I create pages, everything is ok, I also have hbs files on the basis of which files are generated depending on the plop variables.
I also have questions where the user can answer "Yes" or "No"
Now, if I answer "No", then a page is created without components, this is correct, but what if over time I need the logic of this component or pieces of code? If I re-create the file to set the variables “Yes” with the same name, let’s say “ports”, then it will say that such a page already exists.
That is, how can I modify the value of variables so that on an already created page it works for me from "No" to "Yes".
const pages = readdirSync('./src/templates/pages');
pages.forEach(file =>
plop.setGenerator(file, {
description: readFile(`./src/templates/pages/${file}/readme.txt`),
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: 'Enter page name (snake-case): ',
// Страница таблицы
...(file === 'table-page'
? [
type: 'list',
name: 'isHeaderSearch',
message: 'Using a header search component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
type: 'list',
name: 'isHeaderDate',
message: 'Using a header date component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
type: 'list',
name: 'isCheckbox',
message: 'Using a checkbox component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
type: 'list',
name: 'isAsyncCheckbox',
message: 'Using an async checkbox component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
when: answers => answers.isCheckbox === 'Yes',
: []),
// Страница редактирования
...(file === 'edit-page'
? [
type: 'input',
name: 'item',
message: 'Enter name of the expected item: ',
type: 'list',
name: 'isFile',
message: 'Using a file component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
: []),
// Страница редактирования формы с картой
...(file === 'edit-map-page'
? [
type: 'input',
name: 'item',
message: 'Enter name of the expected item: ',
type: 'list',
name: 'isDrawing',
message: 'Use drawing component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
type: 'list',
name: 'isFile',
message: 'Using a file component?',
choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
: []),
actions: [
type: 'addMany',
destination: 'src/pages/{{name}}',
base: `src/templates/pages/${file}`,
templateFiles: `src/templates/pages/${file}/*.hbs`,
type: 'addMany',
destination: 'src/pages/{{name}}',
base: `src/templates/pages/${file}`,
templateFiles: `src/templates/pages/${file}/components`,
data => {
const { name } = data;
execSync(`npx prettier --write "src/pages/${name}/**/*.{js,jsx,json}"`);
return 'Prettier formatting complete';
I tried the advice from GPT but it didn't help
type: 'modify',
path: 'src/pages/{{name}}/actions.js',
pattern: /{{#ifEquals isFile "Yes"}}([\s\S]*?){{\/ifEquals}}/g,
template: '{{#ifEquals isFile "Yes"}}\n // your code for isFile\n{{/ifEquals}}',