i am currently working on school project the goal is whenever i say 'pi'(machine name) 'sing for me'(google = assistant) since it would be easy if i use hotword but it is currently unavailable and doesn't support our language
at env/lib/googleassistant/--/pushtotalk.py 457 line
wait_for_user_trigger = not once
while True:
if wait_for_user_trigger:
->#click.pause(info='Press Enter to send a new request...')
continue_conversation = assistant.assist()
# wait for user trigger if there is no follow-up turn in
# the conversation.
wait_for_user_trigger = not continue_conversation
# If we only want one conversation, break.
if once and (not continue_conversation):
i changed here(->) so that every time it is on state but i cannot find how to call only if it's name is called could you help me?
and could you tell me if i work this on (env) how can i import GPIO i need to blink led
I was successful with snowboy. example here: https://busy.org/@neavvy/google-assistant-on-raspberry-or-part-3-custom-wake-word