How to mock input change for filtering data based on input string using react testing library?

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i have a component FilterInput that will take two props query and handle_input_change. this will filter the data based on value in input field.

i am writing unit test to check if it filters data based on the string entered in the input field using react testing library like below,

const data_mock = () => {
    return {
        data: [
            {"id":2,"description":"S", "start date": "2019-03-2"},
            {"id":1,"description":"something","start date":"2013-06- 


test('filters the description text', () => {
    const mock = data_mock();
   const handle_input_change = jest.fn();
   const {getByText} = render(
     <FilterInput query={""} on_handle_input_change={handle_input_change}> 
     const search_input_element = document.querySelector('.filter-input');
     fireEvent.change(search_input_element, {
         target: { value: 'something' },
     const filtered_text = document.querySelector('.some > div:nth-of     - 
     type(1) > div:nth-of- 
     const not_filtered_element = document.querySelector('.rdt_TableBody > 
     expect(not_filtered_element).toBeFalsy(); //this element should not be 
     //visible but is still present

below is my code,

class App extends Component {
    const handle_input_change = (e) => {
         const query =;
         this.setState(prevState => {
             const filtered_data = prevState.project_data.filter(element => 
        return {
   return (
       <FilterInput query={this.state.input} on_handle_input_change= 
       {this.handle_input_change} />


now the problem is when i run the test, the even though the query is provided in the input field, the data is not filtered.

i am not sure how to mock on_handle_input_change method for FilterInput component.

could someone help me fix this. thanks.


There are 1 answers

Sarun UK On
  const {container} = render(
     <FilterInput query={""} on_handle_input_change={handle_input_change}> 

Instead of using the document directly, you can use container

 const search_input_element = container.querySelector('.filter-input');
 fireEvent.change(search_input_element, {
     target: { value: 'something' },

Please try the above code.