I want to use both 2X & PX dynos for my web application. So in my Procfile, I have the following config:
web: env WEB_CONCURRENCY=4 bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
web_px: env WEB_CONCURRENCY=20 bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
But based on Heroku metic, it seems only the web
one is used to process web request (web_px
one is not used most of the time).
How can I tell Heroku to use both web
and web_px
to process HTTP request?
Here is the answer from Heroku tech support:
Our router will send requests only to dynos named web. Any other dyno is considered as a background worker and won't receive any requests. I'm afraid we don't support having two different kind of dyno sizes for the same type.