Sometimes when coding in ZX Spectrum Basic I need to evaluate logical expressions that are formed by two operands and a logical xor like this:
IF (left operand) xor (right operand) THEN
Since ZX Basic does only know NOT, OR and AND I have to resort to some sort of fancy calculation which includes multiple uses of left/right operands. This is awkward since it consumes time and memory, both sparse if you're working on an 8-bit machine. I wonder if there's a neat trick to mimic the xor operator.
To test the outcome I provide a small code sample:
5 DEF FN x(a,b)=(a ??? b) : REM the xor formula, change here
10 FOR a=-1 TO 1 : REM left operand
20 FOR b=-1 TO 1 : REM right operand
30 LET r=FN x(a,b) : REM compute xor
40 PRINT "a:";a;" b:";b;" => ";r
50 NEXT b
60 NEXT a
Can you help me find a performant solution? So far I tried DEF FN x(a,b)=(a AND NOT b) OR (b AND NOT a)
but it's somewhat clumsy.
If you want to test your idea I suggest the BasinC v1.69 ZX emulator (Windows only).
As @Jeff pointed out most Basics, such as ZX one's, do consider zero values as false and non-zero ones as true.
I have adapted the sample to test with a variety of non-zero values.
as coercion to a boolean value.EDIT Previously had each side with
which is unnecessary for establishing difference between the two, as one will still coerce!EDIT 2 Added parens to sort out precedence issue.