How can I create the C++ project and create the js project using the same console?
I download cocos2d-x 3.6 for cpp and cocos2d-js 3.6.1 for js support and had extracted the zip and run contained in both.
But , When i run the command
C:/>cocos new myJsGame -l cpp
It gives the error:
Fatal: can't find any template for language in C:\cocos2d-js v3.6.1\templates
You can specify the path of cocos2d-x by argument '-e'.
I Know that for using cpp support i must specify the cocos2d-x path for cpp which i had downloaded.
But is there any way by which i could use both cpp and js in console without specifying the path always when creating a new cocos project.
cocos new -l js
should create a new JS project with also the JS-bindings for Android and windows, including C++ sources.