I have an xml string and I want to compare only selected node values and assert my test case on the result. For example: I have the following xml string
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:requestTransferResponse xmlns:ns2="http://external.interfaces.my.company.com/">
<principalName>Sub Distributor 1</principalName>
<principalName>Distributor 1</principalName>
Now I want validate the values of the following nodes having XPATHs
1. //receiverPrincipal//balance//value i.e 985500.00
2. //senderPrincipal//balance//value i.e. 1994429.24
Rest of the nodes are not required. So I searched internet and found XmlUnit library. Can anyone give a hint on how I can use this to validate xpath node values?
If you really only need a few selected texts that you can identify by XPath then XMLUnit's XPath support should work.
Translating the example from XMLUnit's github page (see https://github.com/xmlunit/xmlunit/#asserting-an-xpath-value ) to your first requirement
if you are really sure there'll be only one match for the XPath.
Using the Hamcrest matcher it would be something like