Experiencing an error: Error in eval(extras, data, env) : object 'total' not found where object total is my weights category. Set as a column in my dataset and specified as weights= total in my model.
Per the 'visreg' package creator I tried remote installing the lastest version from github and specifying 'cond=list(total=25)' in my visreg code, whereas total is the weights. I am still getting the error. For whatever reason too the version that downloads is not 2.7.1.
My example model:
m4 <- glmmTMB(propgerm ~ sdm + cage + logsoil + gapcat + rh_diff + temp_diff +
cage:logsoil + gapcat:logsoil + (1|plotID),
weights = total, data = data, family=binomial)
visreg script: visreg(m4, 'sdm', scale='response', type='conditional',
rug=FALSE, partial=TRUE, cond=list(total=25))
--------------receiving error-----------------
Github solution not working:
You can directly set the weights for the new predictions to be 1 (or something else, I guess):
visreg(gm.1_rand_slopeELEV_wt, scale="response", cond=list(weight=1))
This should now function as you want it to (keep in mind that you need to run remotes::install_github("pbreheny/visreg") first).
This functionality will appear in visreg 2.7.1.