How to make the GUI elements of windows version Neovim appear?

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My Neovim on windows 10 installed using chocolatey method guided by the website of Neovim, does not have any GUI element (including tab, menu, or toolbar) after I run nvim-qt.exe. Can any one help me? Now, both the _vimrc and all the Vunle Plugin of my gVim are loaded succeed into my Neovim environment. The screen looks like this, cool_neovim_screen_but_without_gui_element


There are 1 answers

cmaceachern On

You should look up the gui settings options

:h guioptions

In vim/nvim.

I do:

set guioptions=egmrti

In my nvim startup file to remove menu, scrollbars, and a few other things. Against look at the documentation to see what each of those letters set/unset.