How to make the generic FailsafeExecutor reusable

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I am using the FailSafe library to handle failures and retries.

The current implementation creates the generic FailsafeExecutor on each run -

var result = Failsafe.with(Collections.singletonList(retryPolicy))
  .<R>getAsyncExecution(execution ->
    doSomething(x, y));

FaileSafe.with definition -

public static <R, P extends Policy<R>> FailsafeExecutor<R> with(P outerPolicy, P... policies)

Since this is called on a critical path, I would really like to avoid this (the recreation of the object).

I tried initiating the FailsafeExecutor on the class level (the class is not generic) with a <?> -

private final FailsafeExecutor<?> executor;

but then when calling the executor I receive - Type parameter 'R' is not within its bound; should extend 'capture<?>'

Is there any way to get over this? Some kind of way I could make this object reusable? (same with the RetryPolicy, but I guess if there is a solution for the first it would apply for the policy as well)



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