I am running the stochastic gradient regressor from sklearn (docs).
Here are the parameters I used:
{loss: "huber",
"learning_rate": "adaptive",
"penalty": "l1",
"alpha": "0.001",
"l1_ratio": "0.75",
"early_stopping": "True",
"max_iter": "2000",
"n_iter_no_change": "15",
"validation_fraction": "0.1",
"warm_start": "True",
"tol": "0.0001", "random_state": "1"}
Unfortunately my epoch does not reach 2000. I understand I set that if it does change after 15 runs, it should terminate, how can I get better with the stochastic gradient? because the final validation are not very impressive.
-- Epoch 38
Norm: 38.43, NNZs: 218, Bias: 6.923232, T: 2062792, Avg. loss: 0.119096
From the parameters shown, it is apparent that you call SGDRegressor with
. You should change it toearly_stopping=False
(or omit the argument altogether, since its default value is indeedFalse
- see the docs).