I'm working on a mobile game backend in Erlang. For each HTTP request, it might need to query different data sources, such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis. I want to make independent calls to these data sources in parallel but cannot find a clear Erlang way to do it.
For example,
handle_request(?POST, <<"login">>, UserId, Token) ->
% Verify token from PostgreSQL
AuthResult = auth_service:login(UserId, Token),
% Get user data such as outfits and level from MongoDB
UserDataResult = userdata_service:get(UserId),
% Get messages sent to the user from Redis
MessageResult = message_service:get(UserId),
% How to run the above 3 calls in parallel?
% Then wait for all their results here?
% Combine the result and send back to client
build_response(AuthResult, UserDataResult, MessageResult).
Each service will eventually call into the corresponding data driver (epgsql, eredis, mongo_erlang) that end up with some pooboy:transaction and gen_server:call there. How to design these services module are not decided yet either.
I want to make sure that the 3 data calls above could run in parallel, and then the handle_request function waits for all of those 3 calls finish, and then call build_response. How could I do that properly?
As a reference, in NodeJS, I might do this
var authPromise = AuthService.login(user_id, token);
var userDataPromise = UserdataService.get(user_id);
var messagePromise = MessageService.get(user_id);
Promise.all(authPromise, userDataPromise, messagePromise).then( function(values) {
In Scala I might do this
val authFuture = AuthService.login(userId, token)
val userDataFuture = UserdataService.get(userId)
val messageFuture = MessageService.get(userId)
for {
auth <- authFuture
userData <- userDataFuture
message <- messageFuture
} yield ( buildResponse(auth, userData, message )
Apparently, I'm thinking the problem as a promise/future/yield problem. But I was told that if I'm looking for a Promise in Erlang I might be going in the wrong direction. What would be the best practice in Erlang to achieve this?
You can employ stacked receive clauses. Erlang will wait forever in a receive clause until a message arrives from a process (or you can specify a timeout with
)--which is similar to awaiting a promise in nodejs:Note that this code:
is equivalent to:
In the shell:
timer:tc() returns the time that a function takes to execute in microseconds (1,000 microseconds = 1 millisecond) along with the function's return value. For instance, the first time that
was called it took 96.4 milliseconds to complete, while the individual processes would have taken 66+16+93=175+ milliseconds to finish if executed sequentially.