How to make loadingscreen in center in kony

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I am developing desktop application using kony framework. while login my loader is not appearing in center. its just loading in right side. please help me.


There are 3 answers

nitin chawda On

You can set your loading screen by following :

kony.application.showLoadingScreen(skin, text, position, isBlocked, showProgressIndicator, properties)

where the position is given as constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_ONLY_CENTER which will display the loading screen only at the center. By default it would be full screen constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_FULL_SCREEN

yurekha selvam On
 kony.application.showLoadingScreen("", "", constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_ONLY_CENTER, true, true, null);
kgandroid On

Use the below method to show loadingscreen in center:

function showLoadingScreen(){
  kony.application.showLoadingScreen(null, "Please wait...", 
  constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_ONLY_CENTER, true, true, {  
  shouldShowLabelInBottom: "true", separatorHeight: 30} )