I want to implement into my listbox columns (marked purple) like in the picture below:
Main window in my gui is divided into two tabs. I paste here only code from tab into which I want to implement columns. Listbox is already here:
tab1_layout = [
[sg.Listbox(values=list_of_workers, size=(15, 7), key='-WORKERS_LISTBOX-', select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED),
sg.Button('', image_data=convert_to_bytes(cogwheel_icon, (30, 30)), border_width=5, key='cogwheel', tooltip='Workers options')],
[sg.Button('', image_data=convert_to_bytes(plus_icon, (30, 30)), border_width=5, key='plus', tooltip='Add worker'),
sg.Button('', image_data=convert_to_bytes(minus_icon, (30, 30)), border_width=5, key='minus', tooltip='Delete worker'),
sg.Button('Delete all', size=(8,3))]