how to make app turn off notification from pushwoosh?

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I using pushwoosh to send the push notification to my app and I would like to add some feature to check that if user is turn off "Revicieve Notification" on their devices, the push notification that I sent from pushwoosh will not fire or alert to those devices.

PS. I use cordova.

Thank you.


There are 2 answers

shader On

For Cordova take a look on:
iOS: getRemoteNotificationStatus function in Pushwoosh plugin.
Check "enabled" key there.
Android: You may consider user registered unless you call "unregisterDevice" function. As there is no API for Android to check push registration status. You can vote up here for this feature:

fgilio On

I've just gone through this minutes ago, solved with this:

                function (token) {
                    console.log("unregisterDevice, token: " + token);
                    //alert("unregisterDevice, token: " + token);

                function (status) {
                    console.warn("registerDevice failed, status:" + status);
                    //alert("registerDevice failed, status:" + status);

We use localstorage to save settings, so in our case:

            var storage = window.localStorage;

            if (storage.getItem('pushNotification') == 'true') {
                console.log('Pusnotifications ON');

                //register for push notifications
                    function (token) {
                        console.log('registerDevice, token: ' + token);
                        //alert('registerDevice, token: ' + token);
                        //callback when pushwoosh is ready
                    function (status) {
                        //alert("registerDevice failed to register, status: " + status);
                        console.warn(JSON.stringify(["registerDevice failed to register, status: ", status]));

            } else if (storage.getItem('pushNotification') == 'false') {
                console.log('Pusnotifications OFF');

                //unregister for push notifications
                    function (token) {
                        console.log("unregisterDevice, token: " + token);
                        //alert("unregisterDevice, token: " + token);

                    function (status) {
                        console.warn("registerDevice failed, status:" + status);
                        //alert("registerDevice failed, status:" + status);

As you might just figured out, this goes in 'PushwooshAndroid.js'. I've not done this in iOS yet, but expect it to be the same.

Hope this helps you! FG