I am trying to create a visual to show country wise GDP across years. My dataframe contains data from 1980 to 2013. A small (made-up) sample of it is here:
Country|1980 YR1980|1981 YR1981|1982 YR 1982|...
A | 1 | - | 2 |...
B | - | 1 | 2.5 |...
c | - | 0.433 | 4.7 |...
import plotly.express as px
#!pip install pycountry
import pycountry
list_countries = df['Country'].unique().tolist()
d_country_code = {} # To hold the country names and their ISO
for country in list_countries:
country_data = pycountry.countries.search_fuzzy(country)
# country_data is a list of objects of class pycountry.db.Country
# The first item ie at index 0 of list is best fit
# object of class Country have an alpha_3 attribute
country_code = country_data[0].alpha_3
d_country_code.update({country: country_code})
print('could not add ISO 3 code for ->', country)
# If could not find country, make ISO code ' '
d_country_code.update({country: ' '})
for k, v in d_country_code.items():
df.loc[(df.Country == k), 'iso_alpha'] = v
fig = px.choropleth(data_frame = df,
locations= "iso_alpha",
color= "1980", # value in column 'Confirmed' determines color
hover_name= "Country",
color_continuous_scale= 'RdYlGn', # color scale red, yellow green
#animation_frame= "df.iloc()"
When I am using this code block above, I can visualise data for 1980 but I want to set animation frame so that I can visualize data across years every 5 years. And colors are set by GDP in the specific year column.
How can I achieve my goal.
Do I need to make a list of the columns from 1980 to 2013 and pass them?
Can anyone please help me? Also - if anyone has any other python libraries to suggest that is welcome a well.