How to make a MIB configurations file accessible by three different libraries?

87 views Asked by At

So my question is based around the scenario :

  • I have three snmp libraries that i built myself i.e. one in nodejs, one in c++, one in java.
  • There is a project that responds to all of these 3 libs snmp queries. (In this we can add new configurations to the MIB file)
  • I have a MIB file with all the configurations and mapping of query, queryname and their oid's.

The problem is that MIB file needs to be accessed by all three libraries quite frequently.

  • How do i keep the file synchronized between three libraries while the project keeps on adding new configurations.

The summary is how do i keep that file synchronized and make it a single source of truth used by all three libs and am able to update that single source of truth.


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