How to make a jax-rs end point accept any type of http request?

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The title says it all.

Is there any request type annotation to do that?

Or is it enough to annotate the method with all the required types like @POST, @GET?


There are 1 answers


Short answer:

Yes, you can annotate a method with @OPTIONS, @HEAD, @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE and the resource method should be called on all of these methods.

Long answer:

You should not! Every HTTP method has it's semantic. A @GET is a 'safe' method because it is intended for reading a resource. @POST and @DELETE for instance are 'unsafe' because they change the state of a resource.

The web works because people follow these rules. A web-crawler knows that he can safely do a @GET on every URI he knows. He would never do a @DELETE on a URI. If your method changes something on a @GET you might get problems.

Find more answers why you should not here: Rest Services conventions.