How to make a Grid, draw a shape in any of those cells and connect them together?

320 views Asked by At

I have a very unique question regarding to my project

I have made a Grid including 25x15 cells using 3 classes:

First class named and make cells for me:

import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;

public class Tile extends Sprite
    static const TILE_SIZE:int = 30;

    public function Tile() 
        var tile:Shape=new Shape();, 0x000000); / 2, TILE_SIZE / 2, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);




The next class named to integrate all Tile together:

import flash.display.Sprite;

public class Grid extends Sprite
    static const GRID_SIZE:int = 25;
    private var tileList:Vector.<Tile>;

    public function Grid() 
        tileList = new Vector.<Tile>;

        for (var v:int = 0; v < GRID_SIZE; v++)
            for (var z:int = 0; z < GRID_SIZE-15; z++)
                var tile:Tile = new Tile();

                tile.x = v*Tile.TILE_SIZE;
                tile.y = z*Tile.TILE_SIZE;



                tile = null;






And then I showed Grid in my class and show it in the out put:

public class Main extends Sprite 

    private var grid:Grid;

    public function Main() 
        //show the grid
        grid = new Grid();
        grid.x = 10;
        grid.y = 10;

This is what I can see now: enter image description here

My question is that i want to add two objects in this grid. For example:

object A will be located in one cell (Tile)

object B will be located in another cell (Tile)

and then I want to connect these 2 objects together by highlighting the dimensions of the cells! this is an example of what I need to have:

enter image description here

Please ask me, if there is more explanation need to added!

And if I am going through the wrong way, please make me correct!

Thanks in advance!


There are 1 answers

payam_sbr On

If its about Path finding

i'm not sure if this question was about path finding! but according @NealDavis comment: i post a library for this possibility. however its a grid based path finding and also drawing, even with a fully clear grid.
from dauntless :

According to WikiPedia, A* (pronounced A Star) is

a best-first, graph search algorithm that finds the least-cost path from a given initial node to one goal node (out of one or more possible goals).

Here is a Live Demo
enter image description here

References to this library