I am trying to convert our JAVA applet that access a back-end CICS 3270 application to be more of a web/HTML5 based. The application has a login screen that will bring user to a menu of choice that calls other screens. Each screens can call one or more other screens. I am able to connect to the 3270 application using CCI but the problem is on how to keep the connection alive and keep track of the screen position until the user log off from our application. I do not see any build-in "session" management in CCI, do I need to maintain this myself? For example: saving the InteractionSpec and the EPIScreenRecord objects (this might not even works). Thank you.
How to maintain EPI terminal connection from an EJB using CCI?
80 views Asked by rrizaldi At
You could look at using the EPI Support classes in the com.ibm.ctg.epi package rather than the CCI, i.e a Terminal, Screen and a JavaGateway this would allow your application to manually control the connection and terminal(s). See Javadoc