My problem is after the the j
in the loop is done, the i
will just move.
I want to the run the 2 loop array at the same time.
ReDim ArrayItems(Download_frm.ListBox1.ListCount)
ReDim ArrayItems1(Download_frm.accountb.ListCount)
For i = 1 To Download_frm.ListBox1.ListCount
Download_frm.ListBox1.ListIndex = i - 1
ArrayItems(i) = Download_frm.ListBox1.Text
MsgBox ArrayItems(i)
'myarray = ArrayItems(i)
For j = 1 To Download_frm.accountb.ListCount
Download_frm.accountb.ListIndex = j - 1
ArrayItems1(j) = Download_frm.accountb.Text
MsgBox ArrayItems1(j)
'MsgBox ArrayItems1(j)
accountli = ArrayItems1(j)
'MsgBox ArrayItems(i)
COCODELI = ArrayItems(i)
Next j
Next i