I have searched extensively on how to loop a sound effect with simple audio engine, but haven't made much progress apart from hello with looping sfx on the cocos2d forum which has several issues. How can I loop a sound effect in Simple Audio Engine?
how to loop a sound effect in Simple Audio Engine
1.7k views Asked by errorallergic At
There are 2 answers
For Sound Effect Infinite Looping until you want it to stop. This is how you do it without messing up anything else.
Make Sure you save the CDSoundSource strong reference in the class or object that is using it so that way you are able to stop it whenever you want.
Since its a unique ID that identifies that sound effect, and this way you can have multiple instances of this sound effect running. For example: when you need 2 helicopters and each with its own infinite engine sounds.
//Create SFX
CDSoundSource *loopSound = [[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] soundSourceForFile:@"Sound.m4a"];
loopSound.looping = YES;
loopSound.gain = 0.5f;//Volume
[loopSound play];
return loopSound; //Return the CDSoundSourse
//Stop Infinite loop SFX.
-(void)stopInfiniteHeliPad:(CDSoundSource*)loopSound {
[loopSound stop];
This is easy to implement and require no modification to root files from Cocos2Denshion
You would need to edit the SimpleAudioEngine
add this to SimpleAudioEngine.h
-(int) playEffect:(NSString*) file loop:(BOOL) loop;
add this method to SimpleAudioEngine.m
to loop sound effects or music simply do this
and to stop the looping music when necessary