I'm very newbie in C#\Prism ecosystem. I want to connect modules via events, but if just send event:
_eventAggregator.GetEvent<LoginSuccessEvent>().Publish(new LoginSuccessEventArgs(user));
then my event handler is not working. As I understand it happens, because reciever ViewModel is not created (I checked with break point in debugger). But if I navigate from event sender:
_regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.RootRegion, "WorksheetListView");
_regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.WorksheetDetailsRegion, "WorksheetDetailsView");
_eventAggregator.GetEvent<LoginSuccessEvent>().Publish(new LoginSuccessEventArgs(user));
Then before first RequestNavigate command reciever ViewModel constructor is called.
_regionManager = regionManager;
_model = container.Resolve<WorksheetListModel>();
OpenWorksheetCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenWorksheet);
Worksheets = _model.WorksheetList;
I tried to add ViewModel class registration to reciever module:
But no luck. I don't want to add this registration to sender, because hard relation is maked.
But I want to have weak relation between modulel and to do navigation from RECIEVER, but not from SENDER. So sender will don't know anything about reciever. How can I achive this? Thanks.
Ok. I found a tons of question like ('EventAggregator don't work around modules'). My solution is very easy. I create a instance of my viewmodel, so constructor with event subscribtion is invoked too.
Key feature here is RegisterInstance function. So now I can do navigation in event reciever and event sender now don't know any information about reciever internal structure.