How to link a SQL table in a Subquery with Knex

49 views Asked by At

I al ready have the query develop on SQL and it works properly but it did not work on Knex syntax, I am following the documentation but it did not works.

SQL Syntax:

        table1 AS t1
        LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2 ON t2.Id = t1.Id
        t1.Id_Status = 2
        AND t2.Discount_Price > '0'
        AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table3 AS t3 WHERE t3.Id_App = 1 AND t3.Id_Record = t1.Id AND t3.Id_Status = 8)

KNEX Syntax:

return await connection('table1 AS t1')
                        .leftJoin('table2 AS t2', 't2.Id', 't1.Id')
                        .where('t1.Id_Status', 2)
                        .andWhere('t2.Discount_Price', '>', '0')
                                .where('Id_App', 1)
                                .andWhere('Id_Status', 8)

If I use the .as('t3') I have the next error message: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'." If I remove the alias for the table and include into the same connection('table3 AS t3') it did not show an error, but it does not return anything.


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